

Jan 01

Newsmaker of the Year 2023

Mother Nature

As if a conflict that’s as old as the bible was not enough, Mom served us up a  fire and brimstone chaser.  Everything everywhere was heating up and spilling, if not boiling over.

The good news for those of us who aspire to become too sexy for our planet, everyone got hotter last year as 2023’s global average air temperature made it the warmest year ever recorded while the world’s oceans also experienced their highest temperature in recorded history.  All of this occurred while Canada was experiencing  another new record wildfire season (an event that’s it is nothing new; therefore, hardly newsworthy, but for the fact that it’s now sparking tension, if not an international incident, south of the border). And those that managed to survive the frying pan and the fire found themselves (if they were lucky, only) hip deep in water with the worst floods on record (outside of the bible) in Libya (11000+ dead), China (worst rainfall in 142 years), Australia (worst of the century, Nova Scotia (3 months of rainfall in 1 day), and Noah telling how many others.

Runner Up:    Artificial Intelligence   

Finally, a news maker upper that is more reliable than Repubnican America’s Liar-in-Chief (but the jury is still out on which of the two is potentially more dangerous)
