

Jan 01

Movie of the Year 2022


Absolutely nobody did it better than Nobody in 2022. Technically this movie was released in 2021 but since few if any people were able to see it in the theatres and it has still not been released on any streaming service, nobody is likely to challenge our choice (but if you do, don’t call us, take it up with Nobody… if you think you can).

Honourable Mention:   Bullet Train

Kill Bill meets Snakes on Plane. A wild ride!

See what everyone else liked at: Best at the Box Office 2022


From the Archive: (Best Movie that I saw for the first time this year): Idiocracy

If you haven’t seen the movie Idiocracy, you probably won’t unless you have access to the Disney Channel. In the event you don’t have the latter, here is a synopsis (Spoiler Alert): (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=522T2axRBcU.)  From what I am seeing today, the only thing it got wrong was the year. Forget 500 years into the future, we’re almost there now!