

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2016

Statistic of the Year:    “The United States is home to 5% of the world’s population but 25% of the world’s prisoners… African Americans make up 6.5% of the American population but 40.2% of the prison populace… While a white male has a 1 in 17 chance of ending up behind bars, for black males it is 1 in 3… The American prison population rose from 196,441 in 1970 to nearly 2.3 million today?”

— a 2016 film documentary entitled. “13th” by Ava DuVernay


Runner Up:  Canadians owe $1.68 in household debt for every $1 they make after tax. In September, Statistics Canada reported household liabilities rose to 100.5 per cent of GDP, exceeding the size of its economy for the first time. This means Canadians now owe more than they produce with a higher household debt ratio than any other G-7 country.