

Jan 01

New Words 2016

The following words have been recognized by the Oxford, Cambridge and/or Merriam-Webster dictionaries over the course of 2016.

biffy (n.): a toilet or outhouse.

burkini (n.): a woman’s swimsuit that covers the entire body, leaving only the hands, feet, and face exposed 

cheeba (n.): another word for marijuana 

clickjacking (n.): concealing hyperlinks beneath legitimate clickable content on a website in order to trick people into performing actions they normally wouldn’t. 

clicktivism (n.): a quick and easy way to show support for a cause.

clicktivist (n. and adj.): a not so enthusiastic activist. 

neuroplasticity (n.):  The brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. 

non-apology (n.): a statement that has the form of an apology but does not express the expected remorse. It is common in both politics and public relations. 

Oompa Loompa (n.) a short person and/or a person whose skin has an orange appearance, often related to artificial sun-tanning. 

Scrumdiddlyumptious (adj.): extremely tasty; delicious; very attractive (person) 

squee (v.)  a cry of delight or excitement 

unsub (n.): a person of unknown identity who is the subject of a criminal investigation 

upcharge (n.): a charge or payment that is additional to the usual or basic price; a surcharge 

upspeak / uptalk (n.):  a manner of speaking in which declarative sentences are uttered with rising intonation at the end, as if they were questions 

yobbism (n.): hooliganism or aggressive behavior

yogalates / yogilates (n.): A fitness routine that combines Pilates exercises with the postures and breathing techniques of yoga.