

Jan 01

Best Book (I have read) of the Year 2014

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon? [Why China Has the Best (and Worst) Education System in the World] by Yong Zhao


Educated in China before receiving his post graduate PhD at the University of Illinois,  Zhao slays the myth of China’s educational supremacy.  Fraud, corruption and an inability to think outside the box are rampant in a system that the Chinese have been trying to overhaul for over a century.  Meanwhile, the West continues to hold it up as “the Holy Grail” of everything our educational systems should aspire to become in order to compete economically with China.


Runner Up: Small Is the New Big [and Other Riffs, Rants, and Remarkable Business Ideas] by Seth Godin


What the other guys liked: New York Times Bestsellers List