

Jan 01

Memory Lane at Our House 2014

Ma will remember 2014 as the year she got her new kitchen.


Pa will remember 2014 as the year he learned to walk and lost just about everything not anatomically attached to him (Oops, my bad, I also lost 2 inches around my waistline).


Thing 1 remembers 2014 as the year he: won the Best Voice Award at the Battle of the (French Language High School) Bands in Sudbury; travelled to Rock on the Range in Ohio; got his first job; started University; and launched a serious new band.

Most Memorable News Event: Breaking Benjamin (a rock band) reunites

Favourite Pastime: Lurking (but not twerking) down in the Max Cave

Favourite Game: Monster Hunter

Favourite TV Show: Doctor Who (TV) and Code Gease (Online)

Favourite Movie: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Favourite Song: Public Service Announcement by Of Mice and Men


Thing 2 remembers 2014 as the year he got his license and made skid-loads of money at his first job.

Most Memorable News Event: Parliament Hill shootings

Favourite Pastime:  Pushing his mother’s buttons

Favourite Game: Hide and…Stay Out of My Bedroom!

Favourite TV Show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Favourite Movie: The Lego Movie

Favourite Song:  Cha-Ching by the Bank Accounts