“Bail-Outs for the Rich and Shameless”
They’re baaaaack! Yes, the banks appear be “Greecing” the wheels to recovery from some (more) of their bad investments at the expense of you and me. Having made their fortune milking the sub-prime mortgage and loans market state-side and then sticking us with the bill, we now learn that the banks need to dip into our pockets and life savings (that will now conveniently fit into our pocket) once again to underwrite their latest ingenious round of investments – this time it was in sub-par European states. There is as yet no explanation for how they became so heavily invested in a country (Greece) where even the landed billionaires were apparently living beyond their means (if not below the poverty line).
In a related story we hear, “The world’s rich are restless, says a Canadian lawyer specializing in ‘tax-efficient citizenship, residence and domicile solutions’, whose clients are worth between $30 million and $1 billion. Most work in financial services… Last year, nearly 12,000 people moved here under the federal government’s Immigrant Investor Program…Tax specialists even use terms like “the Great White tax haven” and “Switzerland of the North” when talking about Canada.”