This might just have been the poorest year for the silver screen in recent memory (i.e. since I poured my first glass). It was more of the same old, same old vampire-zombie-werewolf flicks, comic book hero rethinks, remakes of remakes and other Hollywood franchise partsinfinity+1 – e.g. “Final (?) Destination – Part 5(??)” pretty much summed up what the year had to offer. All the special effects, gore, dirty language and sexual in(and out)uendo that they could pack into that one, cannot hide how blatantly wrong such a concept should come across in the prior to previously preliminary first place.
Honourable Mention: “Cowboys and Aliens”
Sci-fi in the old west. An innovative combination of old genres. A sweet Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (“you got chocolate on my peanut butter”) moment for Hollywood among an otherwise tasteless smorgasbord of blah.