

Jan 01

“At the end of every legacy you will find a shoe (but the ‘premashoe ejectulation’ of a head of State is still an indictable offence in some countries)”

Shortly after George W. Bush was finally shooed out of office, the Iraqi reporter who jumped the gun a little and tried to shoe him out with a penny loafer was convicted of assaulting a visiting head of state and sentenced to 3 years in an Iraqi prison.  Like all good Texans, “W” may die with his boots on but it could well be the shoe that he is most remembered for.  See ya later alligator.  Shoe now. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

In a related story, Two weeks earlier, across the pond in New York City, a technology firm executive, George Anderson was sentenced to fifteen days in jail, 200 hours of community service and a $500 fine when he plead guilty to the misdemeanor charge of driving while intoxicated and leaving the scene of an accident.  The previous year, he struck and killed Florence Cioffi with his $100,000 Mercedes SUV. It was apparently the opinion of the court that Cioffi was also guilty of walking while drunk.  Sounds to me like the scales of justice might have themselves been guilty of being a little bent out of shape.